Maxine Waters Says Rich Must 'Ante Up'

The cheese takers won the election.  Over half the country is on some kind of government hand-out.  And they are coming for more.

Maxine Waters escaped her ethics problems somehow and is back on the loose.  Ten seconds after the liberals won power again she is out with the edict no one should be surprised to hear.

The 'rich' is the refrain and money not being printed by Bernanke is the target.  Maxine lives in a class-house.  Anyone with a job is rich, anyone on food stamps or on nothing at all is poor.  Okay, no argument there except since when did the ordinary working guy get thrown in the same bucket with Warren Buffet?  Oh yea, since Obama and Maxine solidified their power.

Maxine wants tax hikes.  And she's gonna get 'em.  On January 1, 2013 taxes will rise on anyone with an income, even the 50% that pay no income tax now.  And Maxine wants more - much much more.

The new reality is the one we should not be facing, but elections matter.  So buckle up.  The California way is now the federal government way too.  If you liked how Democrats ruined California, you will really love the big show staging up in DC over the next four years.

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