Is there a serious sucession movement or even civil war brewing? No. Just a lot of whining, gnashing of teeth, and sour-grapes types signing goofy petitions the Obama regime dares anyone to sign.
Nothing has changed. The election left the meandering menace in charge of a paralyzed government bleeding at the gums. And voters proved they were not up to the task to do anything about it.
The usual parade of paid talking heads grimacing at cameras and spitting at microphones are on the one side now. And the most incompetent anti-American crew to ever hold power are on the other.
Red Rum Report has a chunk of sage advise for both sides. The liberals should keep being semi-literate, narcissistic, dunder headed, horses asses. And the conservatives should step back and let the liberals destroy whats left of the country.
The election gave Obama a license to mount the debt pass-go and drive the currency into collapse. So conservatives need to stop whining about it and let it go.
The quicker the country reaches the inevitable...the faster the remnants can be rummaged and reassembled.
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