Obamacare: Denny's Cuts Workers Hikes Prices

Red Rum Report told you the jobless reports were being rigged by Obama.  Today new jobless claims jumped 78,000 to 440,000!

That's the good news.

The bad news is the full blossoming of Obamacare's impact on business and States, especially hitting low-rung employees working at fast-food joints.

Denny's is heading off the 2014 impact by hiking prices now and cutting workers and worker hours.  Watch each major chain follow quickly.

States will make their make or break decision on Obamacare next year.  States that opt to implement Obamacare will become a dumping ground for the poor and lose most of their doctors fleeing treating the poor for a tiny government dictated fee.

States choosing to stay out of the mess will be a magnet for doctors and patients who want higher quality medical care free of waiting lines filled with huddled masses.

In the meantime, each company (like Denny's) will counter both insurmountable costs associated with Obamacare and the endless fire-hose of business killing regulations coming out of the Whitehouse with firings, slashed work hours and price hikes.

Latino Poverty Climbs To 30%
Wealthy Dumping Assets Before Tax Hikes
Panetta: Cut Social Security Not Defense
Texas Instruments Cuts 5% Of Workforce
USPC Bleeds $16 Billion More
Hostess Cuts 18,000 Union Lose Today
Eurozone Double-Dips Recession 
Papa John's Obamacare Firing

Civil War Whiners, Wusses And Wimps

The election went badly for many.  The liberals won big and are wasting no time rubbing the drubbing into the wounds of conservatives who had high hopes of stopping Obama.

Is there a serious sucession movement or even civil war brewing?  No.  Just a lot of whining, gnashing of teeth, and sour-grapes types signing goofy petitions the Obama regime dares anyone to sign.

Nothing has changed.  The election left the meandering menace in charge of a paralyzed government bleeding at the gums.  And voters proved they were not up to the task to do anything about it.

The usual parade of paid talking heads grimacing at cameras and spitting at microphones are on the one side now.  And the most incompetent anti-American crew to ever hold power are on the other.

Red Rum Report has a chunk of sage advise for both sides.  The liberals should keep being semi-literate, narcissistic, dunder headed, horses asses.  And the conservatives should step back and let the liberals destroy whats left of the country.

The election gave Obama a license to mount the debt pass-go and drive the currency into collapse.  So conservatives need to stop whining about it and let it go.

The quicker the country reaches the inevitable...the faster the remnants can be rummaged and reassembled.

CA Cap N Trade Tax Starts Today
Obama $1.6 Trillion Tax Hike
CNN Coaches Comatose Conservatives
Sarah Jessica Parkputz Councils GOP
USA 70-Year Divide
Suicide Over Election In Florida 
Obama Blames Bush Second Term Too?

Maxine Waters Says Rich Must 'Ante Up'

The cheese takers won the election.  Over half the country is on some kind of government hand-out.  And they are coming for more.

Maxine Waters escaped her ethics problems somehow and is back on the loose.  Ten seconds after the liberals won power again she is out with the edict no one should be surprised to hear.

The 'rich' is the refrain and money not being printed by Bernanke is the target.  Maxine lives in a class-house.  Anyone with a job is rich, anyone on food stamps or on nothing at all is poor.  Okay, no argument there except since when did the ordinary working guy get thrown in the same bucket with Warren Buffet?  Oh yea, since Obama and Maxine solidified their power.

Maxine wants tax hikes.  And she's gonna get 'em.  On January 1, 2013 taxes will rise on anyone with an income, even the 50% that pay no income tax now.  And Maxine wants more - much much more.

The new reality is the one we should not be facing, but elections matter.  So buckle up.  The California way is now the federal government way too.  If you liked how Democrats ruined California, you will really love the big show staging up in DC over the next four years.

Pedo Alert: Sesame Street Puppeteer

The most despicable humans on the planet are pedophiles.

Child molesters nest near 'prey' as a priest, camp counselor, school teacher, day care worker, ice cream truck driver, and puppeteer?

Puppeteer Kevin Clash, 52, is on a leave of absence from Sesame Street after the show was contacted by a 23-year-old man who claimed he had sex with Clash as a minor.

Clash is a big deal at Sesame Stree having spent 20 years as Elmo and working his way to Senior Puppet Coordinator and Muppet Captain.

Clash is steeped in a case of he said he said.   Sesame Street says they have investigated 'thoroughly' finding bubkiss.  Clash meantime has gotten a lawyer.

The unnamed victim complains Sesame Street appears more interested in protecting Clash than in getting to the bottom of the allegations. TMZ said Clash admitted he had done the nasties with the victim but insists the object of his perversions was an adult during their alleged interludes.

When your kids are plopped and preoccupied in front of the TV watching Sesame Street ponder the possibility that those cute characters and eccentric voices may be the alter ego of a more sinister being.  Is there anywhere safe for kids?

EPA To Kill Coal In 2012

The Obama EPA's team of 50 high priced lawyers and bureaucrats have concocted a regulation targeting whats left of the coal industry in the USA.

The coal regulation shuts down remaining coal plants and prevents any new ones from being built.

The effect will be catastrophic.

The Manhattan Institute says the impact will be a $1 Trillion sucker punch to the US economy.  And double or triple electricity costs for the all consumers nationwide.

The EPA under Clinton did the same nasty thing as Bush entered his first term.  The Carol Browner EPA rushed a Mercury finding that impacted all power plant operations and today costs the energy consumer $11 billion a year.  Such regulations are without scientific basis.

Global Warming has been debunked. So why not gut-punch coal some more...