First Black Homecoming Queen At Ole Miss

No one said homecoming queens need to be white. But c'mon folks was there no required black female among the student body that didn't crush the shocks of the parade car down to the tires?

The University Of Mississippi was ground zero during the 1960s civil rights era. So it's a big deal that the new homecoming queen Courtney Pearson is black.

Red Rum Report has no problem with black queens.  The rub is that Courtney is a blinding mass of white-gowned corpulence.

There' already a pretty strong connection between black women and obesity.  Courtney may happen to have the right skin color but as a beauty queen her quantum-plus size mocks the gown and the tiara

White, black, pink or purple a homecoming queen should be selected based on character and curvature. And make sure to eliminate not just the whales but also the raging trannies and jack-booted butch lesbians.

Breaking everything down for breaking down sake is ludicrous. But hey, Obama got reelected too so who cares...

Florida Lowers Academics Standards For Blacks 
Goldie At 67 Is Not A Good Look 
HS Quarterback Is Also Homecoming Queen